At the allotment i have turned over the seed bed sowings of parsnips - of which none came up, and beetroot - too few to be worthwhile. I weeded it and realized i made a mistake with the layout of the bed as it was tricky to weed properly in between the rows. A lesson for next time. I resowed 2 rows of beetroot 'perfect 2' variety, but its too late for parsnips now i believe. The rest of the sowings, turnips and parsnips are better but patchy.
The courgettes seemed to take a step backwards after planting after looking so healthy in the pots, but have now started to show signs of fruit. The pumpkins are now also show little round buds so thats promising.
My first time growing broad beans this year and it will be interest to try them after so many years. I don't have good memories of them but perhaps that was the way my Gran cooked them I'm hoping. Young and small they are supposed to be sweeter. I had a little problem with balckfly on a couple of the plants but pinched out the tips and that seemed to help. Also below is the runner beans, old favorite 'scarlet emperor' grown by my mother-in-law Susan.
Hi, nothing wrong with your gran's broad beans in their little leather jackets and covered in pepper, she lived till 90.
Blackfly love broad beans, in fact if the beans don't get blackfly there is probably something wrong with them. Pinching out the tops is a regular garden pastime
How can you possibly blame two such sweet, innocent and peaceful little people who can hardly take up any time at all
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