Tuesday 26 May 2009


so today i sowed 5 pumpkins 'snowman' which are apparently whitish skinned fruits but look and taste good, and 5 butternut squash 'hunter'. For my memory the pumpkins are the ones in the plastic pots, butternut in fibre pots.

I have also put canes and twine up in the green house to help support the tomatoes and cucumbers, and today i planted the two chilli plants into growbags. The green house is also housing currently basil, coriander, the runner beans, sweetcorn, courgettes (4), the spinach is going over but been quite productive and i need to resow some more. The lettuce is still coming on, and the second trough with the little gem lettuce which looked liked it had failed before it began, has partially revived and maybe salvageable.

I have also put the strawberries into grow bags on the table outside the shed, and the potatoes in a bag are very healthy, i need to see when i planted them, or just will have a delve into the bag to see what comes up.

Over at the plot i have been weeding, planting more peas and creating support for the established ones. I have taken over but not planted all the sunflowers, but will enlist my daughter to help plant them.

The dwarf french beans need to go in next, and soon the tomatoes 'moneymaker' also. i have never really done outdoor tomatoes before and hope i'm not putting them out to early, and if they will be too exposed there also.

The potatoes have been earthed up rcently, and i'm removing lots of marstail also. Seems to be a real problem everywhere at the allotment this year.

I have done some weeding amongst the rows of carrots beetroot and spinach beet but its tricky as the weeds are very thick around the carrots, which i think if i weed to much i will end up removing most of them also.

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